Wow. Where to start. C2E2 finally came and went – and with it came The Awakened Preview. Huge props goes out to all who were involved! Hope you came out and supported Indie Comics!
Thank you Derek Kirtzic for getting a group of guys together that were all in need of each other. Doing so has made us all stronger in our individual
Thanks goes out to Erik Perez of for drawing up the initial character concept sketches for Gabe and Del. He then turned those over to —
Tim Jensen. This guy. This is the guy I’ve needed for a long time now (pause). His ability to turn my words into the images you see below still blows me away. Words cannot express the amount of thanks I owe him. THANK YOU TIM JENSEN of IAMTOMMYKNUCKLES.COM!!!
And then there was a guy named Monkey Boy (don’t ask). Tim blows me away with his pencil work and then Monkey Boy comes along with the knock out blow when he applies his ink to the pages. I cannot wait to see what he does with the color.
Speaking of color, thanks is also due to Justin Kim of I could have never colored the cover without his late night Skype tutorial guidance. Thanks man.
And lastly, a HUGE thank you goes out to my beautiful patient wife – Brenda James. I couldn’t have done any of this without her support and understanding of this creative obsession. Love you babe.
Dude, Ivan – enough with the thank yous… you only have 3 pages posted to a website no one knows about. You didn’t win the Eisner. Get on with the show please.
Oh, right – sorry.Without further ado. May I present, The Awakened Preview. Enjoy. And thanks for coming!
Dude. What I just say?
Alright alright.

And just for doing that, I’ll even throw in the script pages of what you just saw above.
Script Pages: