THE AWAKENED COLOR PREVIEW PT.1 : REALIZATIONS [*originally posted 07.20.11]
I am pleased to announce that we have stayed the course and are on track for having The Awakened issue #1 ready – come Wizard World Chicago! I can’t express how much thanks I owe to all who have been involved – especially because this has soley been a labor love that has been slapped on top of already busy real life schedules. We all have significant others, day jobs, other interests, SUMMER in CHICAGO, and plenty of other awesomeness that we sacrifice and put aside to make The Awakened become a reality rather than another, “creative project that I will eventually get to someday.”
So please come out to the Con if you’re in Chicago August 11th-14th and support Indie Comics! Here’s a 6 page COLOR Preview to whet your appetite!
Note: The 6&13 page previews became the full issue linked above ; ). And yes I never made a formal post about Pt.2. I was too busy coloring.