Latest and greatest from the basement FX lab. A little Orc with a pinch of Dothraki thrown in. M’ork D’rogoh! A little practice paint job in preparation for his animatronic brother that is in the works.
Latest and greatest from the basement FX lab. A little Orc with a pinch of Dothraki thrown in. M’ork D’rogoh! A little practice paint job in preparation for his animatronic brother that is in the works.
Now that C2E2 is upon us, I am getting that comic creator fever coming on again. So much so, that I decided to experiment with a different coloring stab – as in trying to go tonal instead of color. I’m digging it. Looks way more garage band raw rather than amateur colorist hack job. Here are the first three pages!
And as an added C2E2 bonus – I think I may be working with Season 7 Face Off Champ Dina Cimarusti on a really cool project! Win win!
Ran a slip latex pull on the mold to see how it came out. Looks good! I may have to cut into those eyelids and cheat some eyes in there, and paint him up as I wait for a vacuuform machine to be built!
Phase II of Operation Orc Face 5000 (aka install animatronic eyes in a mask) was a success! Again – big thanks to Scott Mitchell of Scott Mitchell Design
We now have a buck to run foam latex and to cast another positive for fiberglass or vaccuforming an under-skull. I love it when a theory pans out successfully!
M’ork is molded! Big thanks to Scott Mitchell of Scott Mitchell Design who helped me mold this fat faced beast! Phase 1 down of many before he can bat his pretty eyes, but we are that much closer!