THE AWAKENED ISSUE #1 COMPLETE! [* originally posted 8.26.11]
Well – we finally did it. We actually finished issue 1. What started out as just another random idea, finally became a reality – and it is definitely surreal… Actually following through with a creative idea beyond its conception feels so -damn – good. And now I am officially addicted…
And again, HUGE thanks are due to TIM JENSEN of IAMTOMMYKNUCKLES.COM! He decided to embark on this crazy adventure with me back in December and his pencils brought my words to life. Thanks are also due to JIM CHEEVER who slapped the ink on the pencils and to DEREK KIRTZIC for bringing us all together. I could go on on with the thank yous…my wife Brenda for dealing with all of the time I had to sacrifice to see this thing through – Justin Kim for all of those late night coloring tutorials – and all of YOU who are actually reading this!
The first issue can be read in it’s entirety by clicking the cover below. But that’s not all folks! Signed – Printed copies are actually FOR SALE at the following locations:
Brainstorm Comics
1648 W North Ave. Chicago, Il
Chicago Comics
3244 N Clark St Chicago, Il
Graham Cracker Comics
77 E Madison St Chicago, Il
And we are taking donations through PayPal on the comic site itself. Just click the cover below and enjoy! Oh – and if you like what you read, please “officialy” “like” us on Facebook. It’s simple! Either click the “like box” below the cover, or go to The Awakened Facebook page directly @ Thanks in advance!